Affirmations for Anger

Anger is a powerful emotion that can often consume us and hinder our ability to think clearly and make rational decisions. However, with the right mindset and positive affirmations, we can learn to manage and control our anger more effectively. Affirmations are powerful statements that, when repeated regularly, can help rewire our thought patterns and promote a sense of calm and inner peace. In this article, we will explore the best affirmations for anger and provide you with a comprehensive list to incorporate into your daily routine.

100 Best Affirmations for Anger

  1. I choose to release anger and embrace peace.
  2. I am in control of my emotions.
  3. I respond to situations with calm and understanding.
  4. I release anger with each breath I take.
  5. I choose forgiveness over resentment.
  6. I am patient and understanding with myself and others.
  7. I am capable of managing my anger in healthy ways.
  8. I release anger and invite love into my heart.
  9. I am free from the grip of anger.
  10. I am at peace with myself and the world around me.

Affirmations for Managing Your Anger

  1. I am in control of my anger and choose to manage it effectively.
  2. I am patient and understanding, even in challenging situations.
  3. I release anger with each breath I take, allowing peace to fill me.
  4. I respond to anger with calmness and clarity of mind.
  5. I choose forgiveness over holding onto anger.
  6. I am the master of my emotions and refuse to let anger dictate my actions.
  7. I release anger and invite love and compassion into my heart.
  8. I am capable of managing my anger in healthy and constructive ways.
  9. I choose to express my anger assertively and respectfully.
  10. I am aware of my triggers and take proactive steps to manage my anger.
  11. I release anger and choose to focus on finding solutions instead.
  12. I am open to seeking support and guidance in managing my anger.
  13. I am patient with myself as I learn to navigate and manage my anger.
  14. I am committed to finding healthy outlets for my anger, such as exercise or creative expression.
  15. I choose to communicate my feelings calmly and assertively, rather than allowing anger to consume me.
  16. I am open to learning and growing from moments of anger, using them as opportunities for self-reflection.
  17. I am resilient in the face of anger, bouncing back quickly and regaining my inner peace.
  18. I am aware of the impact of my anger on others and strive to manage it with empathy and understanding.
  19. I choose to take breaks and step away from triggering situations to prevent anger from escalating.
  20. I am in tune with my emotions and can identify early signs of anger, allowing me to intervene and manage it effectively.
  21. I am mindful of the power of my words and actions, using them to diffuse anger rather than fuel it.
  22. I release any lingering anger from past experiences, choosing to live in the present moment with a peaceful mind.
  23. I practice self-care and prioritize my well-being as a way to prevent anger from building up.
  24. I am committed to developing healthy coping mechanisms for managing my anger.
  25. I embrace a mindset of forgiveness and understanding, allowing anger to dissipate and harmony to prevail.

Affirmations To Calm You Down

  1. I am calm and centered, even in the midst of chaos.
  2. I choose peace over stress and remain calm in every situation.
  3. I release tension and embrace a state of calmness throughout my body.
  4. I am in control of my emotions, and I choose to stay calm and composed.
  5. I breathe deeply, allowing tranquility to flow through me.
  6. I let go of worry and invite a sense of calm into my mind.
  7. I am capable of handling any challenge with grace and calmness.
  8. I release any negative thoughts and replace them with serenity and peace.
  9. I am grounded and at ease, finding inner calm in all aspects of my life.
  10. I choose to respond to stress with a calm and collected demeanor.
  11. I release the need to control every outcome, embracing a sense of calm surrender.
  12. I am at peace with myself and the world around me, fostering a calm and harmonious environment.
  13. I create space for calmness in my daily routine, nurturing my well-being.
  14. I let go of expectations and embrace the present moment, finding peace in what is.
  15. I release any attachments to outcomes and trust in the natural flow of life.
  16. I am surrounded by a calm and peaceful energy that supports and uplifts me.
  17. I choose to prioritize self-care and relaxation, allowing calmness to replenish my spirit.
  18. I am mindful of my thoughts and choose to cultivate positive and calming inner dialogue.
  19. I am resilient in the face of challenges, staying calm and focused on solutions.
  20. I create a sanctuary of calmness within myself, a safe space to retreat to whenever needed.
  21. I let go of the need for perfection and embrace the beauty of imperfection with calm acceptance.
  22. I release the need to rush and choose to move at a peaceful and deliberate pace.
  23. I surround myself with calming influences, such as soothing music or nature, to foster tranquility.
  24. I practice mindfulness and bring my awareness to the present moment, finding calmness in the now.
  25. I am grateful for the moments of calmness that bring balance and serenity to my life.

Daily Affirmations for Anger

Practicing daily affirmations can significantly impact our emotional well-being. By incorporating these affirmations into our daily routine, we can gradually transform our relationship with anger and cultivate a sense of inner harmony. Here are 25 unique daily affirmations for anger:
  1. Today, I choose peace over anger.
  2. I release anger and invite serenity into my life.
  3. I respond to challenging situations with grace and understanding.
  4. I am in control of my emotions, and anger does not control me.
  5. I choose to let go of anger and embrace forgiveness.
  6. Each day, I become more patient and calm.
  7. I am the master of my emotions, and anger has no power over me.
  8. Today, I choose to respond rather than react in anger.
  9. I am grateful for the lessons I learn through anger, but I release its hold on me.
  10. I attract positive and peaceful experiences into my life.

Morning Affirmations for Anger

Starting the day with positive affirmations can set the tone for a calmer and more peaceful day ahead. By practicing these morning affirmations for anger, you can establish a positive mindset and increase your resilience in the face of challenging situations:
  1. Today, I choose to greet the day with a peaceful heart.
  2. I am grateful for the opportunity to release anger and embrace tranquility.
  3. I welcome peace into my life, and I release anger with each breath.
  4. I am the calm amidst the storm of anger.
  5. This morning, I choose to let go of anger and embrace inner peace.
  6. I am capable of managing my emotions and responding to anger with compassion.
  7. Each morning, I awaken with a renewed sense of calmness and serenity.
  8. I release any lingering anger from yesterday and start today with a clean slate.
  9. Today, I choose to respond to anger with love and understanding.
  10. I am in control of my emotions, and I choose peace over anger.

Night Time Affirmations for Anger

As we prepare for restful sleep, it’s essential to let go of any residual anger from the day and cultivate a sense of peace. These night time affirmations for anger can help you release any lingering negative emotions and promote a peaceful state of mind before bedtime:
  1. Tonight, I release all anger from my mind and body, allowing peace to fill every part of me.
  2. I let go of any resentment or frustration that no longer serves me, creating space for inner harmony.
  3. As I drift into sleep, I release all tension and anger, allowing tranquility to guide my dreams.
  4. I surrender my anger to the universe, trusting that it will be transformed into positive energy.
  5. I am worthy of a peaceful and restful night’s sleep, free from the grip of anger.
  6. I release the need to hold onto anger and choose forgiveness as my pathway to inner peace.
  7. Each night, I release the day’s frustrations and choose to enter a state of calmness and serenity.
  8. I am in control of my emotions, and I release any lingering anger before I sleep.
  9. I choose to replace anger with love and compassion, creating a peaceful atmosphere within me.
  10. Tonight, I let go of anger and invite healing and tranquility into my being.
  11. I release any negative emotions tied to anger, allowing my mind and body to find complete relaxation.
  12. I am deserving of a peaceful mind, free from the burdens of anger and resentment.
  13. As I lay down to sleep, I release any attachments to anger and embrace a peaceful state of mind.
  14. I release the need to hold grudges and choose to let go of anger, making room for happiness and joy.
  15. Each night, I forgive myself and others, releasing anger’s grip on my heart and soul.
  16. I choose to view challenging situations with understanding and compassion, releasing anger’s hold over me.
  17. Tonight, I release all negative emotions associated with anger, allowing deep serenity to fill my being.
  18. I am at peace with myself and others, choosing to let go of anger and embrace harmony.
  19. I release any anger that has accumulated throughout the day, cleansing my mind and body for peaceful sleep.
  20. I am grateful for the opportunity to release anger and embrace tranquility as I drift into slumber.
  21. Tonight, I choose to release anger’s tight grip and welcome a sense of calmness and inner peace.
  22. I release the need to control situations and people, allowing anger to dissipate and peace to prevail.
  23. As I prepare for sleep, I let go of any resentment or bitterness, embracing forgiveness and peace.
  24. I release any negative energy that anger has created, allowing my spirit to be rejuvenated and refreshed.
  25. Tonight, I choose to lay down the burdens of anger and invite a deep sense of peace and serenity into my dreams.

Sleep Affirmations for Anger

Getting a good night’s sleep is essential for our overall well-being and emotional balance. By incorporating sleep affirmations into our bedtime routine, we can release any lingering anger and promote a sense of calmness before drifting off into peaceful slumber. Here are 25 unique sleep affirmations for anger:
  1. As I close my eyes, I release all anger and embrace deep relaxation.
  2. I am safe and protected as I sleep, allowing anger to dissolve into tranquility.
  3. Each breath I take calms my mind and soothes any anger within me.
  4. I surrender all anger to the stillness of the night, awakening with a peaceful heart.
  5. I release any negative emotions tied to anger, inviting restorative sleep and inner peace.
  6. My dreams are filled with harmony and serenity, washing away any traces of anger.
  7. Sleep restores my mind and body, healing any wounds caused by anger.
  8. I am worthy of a night free from anger, allowing my spirit to rejuvenate and find balance.
  9. As I drift into sleep, I let go of anger and invite a sense of calmness and tranquility.
  10. Each night, I release anger and open myself to the healing power of sleep.
  11. I am surrounded by peaceful energy as I sleep, dissolving any remnants of anger.
  12. My sleep is a sanctuary of peace, nurturing my soul and releasing all anger within me.
  13. I am deserving of a peaceful sleep, free from the disturbances of anger.
  14. As I surrender to sleep, anger loses its grip on me, and peace takes its place.
  15. I release any tension associated with anger, allowing my body to relax and unwind.
  16. My dreams are filled with positivity and love, washing away any traces of anger from my consciousness.
  17. I release any thoughts of anger, creating space for dreams that inspire and uplift my spirit.
  18. Each night, I cleanse my mind and heart of anger, awakening to a new day with renewed peace.
  19. I am at ease as I sleep, allowing anger to melt away, leaving only tranquility behind.
  20. I release the weight of anger, allowing my mind to enter a state of deep and restful sleep.
  21. Sleep replenishes my soul, melting away any anger and leaving room for inner harmony.
  22. Each night, I surrender anger to the night sky, embracing dreams of peace and serenity.
  23. I let go of anger as I prepare for sleep, inviting a sense of calmness to guide me through the night.
  24. My sleep is a sanctuary of peace, where anger cannot disturb the tranquility within me.
  25. As I sleep, my body and mind are bathed in peace, washing away any traces of anger and replacing them with tranquility.

“I Am” Affirmations for Anger

Affirming our identity and acknowledging our inner strength can be a powerful tool in managing anger. By using “I Am” affirmations, we can cultivate a positive self-perception and empower ourselves to overcome anger. Here are 25 unique “I Am” affirmations for anger:
  1. I am the master of my emotions, including anger.
  2. I am worthy of inner peace, regardless of external circumstances.
  3. I am releasing anger and inviting harmony into my life.
  4. I am choosing to respond to anger with patience and understanding.
  5. I am in control of my reactions, responding to anger with grace and composure.
  6. I am detaching myself from anger’s grip, allowing love to guide my actions.
  7. I am releasing any resentment and choosing forgiveness as my pathway to peace.
  8. I am strong and resilient, capable of managing anger in healthy ways.
  9. I am creating a peaceful environment within myself, free from the burdens of anger.
  10. I am cultivating empathy and compassion, easing the intensity of anger within me.
  11. I am choosing to let go of anger, freeing myself from its negative impact.
  12. I am releasing the need to hold onto anger, embracing freedom and serenity instead.
  13. I am worthy of love and understanding, both for myself and others, even in moments of anger.
  14. I am finding healthy outlets for my anger, channeling it into constructive actions.
  15. I am choosing to let go of past anger, embracing the present moment with a peaceful heart.
  16. I am cultivating patience and tolerance, allowing anger to dissolve in the face of understanding.
  17. I am releasing any anger that no longer serves me, making room for joy and positivity.
  18. I am embracing peace as my natural state of being, letting go of anger with ease.
  19. I am choosing to respond to anger with kindness and empathy, creating a ripple of harmony.
  20. I am empowered to transform anger into personal growth and self-awareness.
  21. I am worthy of forgiveness and second chances, both for myself and others.
  22. I am breaking the cycle of anger, choosing to respond with love and compassion instead.
  23. I am releasing any expectations that fuel anger, embracing acceptance and inner peace.
  24. I am practicing self-care and self-love, nurturing myself amidst moments of anger.
  25. I am embracing the present moment, releasing any anger attached to past experiences.
  26. I am finding healthy ways to express my emotions, allowing anger to flow and dissipate.
  27. I am choosing to focus on solutions rather than dwelling on anger and its causes.
  28. I am grateful for the lessons anger teaches me, allowing it to guide me towards personal growth.
  29. I am cultivating a positive mindset, shifting my perspective from anger to gratitude and joy.
  30. I am a beacon of peace, radiating calmness and serenity amidst moments of anger.


Positive affirmations for anger issues can help reframe negative thought patterns and promote a sense of calmness and emotional balance. Here are some affirmations for anger issues:

  1. I am in control of my emotions, including anger.
  2. I release anger and embrace peace and tranquility.
  3. I respond to situations calmly and rationally.
  4. I choose understanding and compassion over anger.
  5. I release any pent-up anger and allow forgiveness to flow.
  6. I am patient and remain calm in challenging situations.
  7. I am capable of managing my anger in healthy ways.
  8. I choose to let go of anger and focus on positive solutions.
  9. I am in charge of my reactions and choose peace over anger.
  10. I release any resentment and choose to move forward with a peaceful heart.

When angry, repeating a calming mantra can help redirect your focus and bring a sense of peace. Here is a mantra to repeat when angry:

“I choose to release anger and embrace inner peace.”

Repeat this mantra slowly and intentionally, allowing its words to penetrate your mind and soothe your emotions. Pair it with deep breathing exercises to enhance its calming effect.

To control your anger as quickly as possible, try the following techniques:

  1. Take a deep breath: Inhale slowly and deeply, then exhale slowly to activate your body’s relaxation response.
  2. Count to ten: Take a moment to pause and count to ten before reacting, allowing yourself time to regain composure.
  3. Use positive self-talk: Repeat affirmations such as “I am calm” or “I choose peace” to shift your mindset away from anger.
  4. Practice empathy: Put yourself in the other person’s shoes to gain perspective and foster understanding.
  5. Engage in physical activity: Release pent-up energy and frustration through exercise or activities like brisk walking or yoga.
  6. Remove yourself from the situation: If possible, take a break and step away from the triggering environment to gain clarity and calmness.
  7. Seek support: Reach out to a trusted friend or family member to talk about your feelings and gain support.

Remember, managing anger takes practice and self-awareness. It’s essential to develop healthy coping mechanisms that work best for you.

Affirmations can be beneficial for helping children manage their anger. Here are some affirmations for anger for kids:

  1. I am in control of my emotions, including anger.
  2. I choose to express my feelings in healthy and constructive ways.
  3. I am learning to manage my anger with patience and understanding.
  4. I am calm and can find peaceful solutions to my problems.
  5. I release anger and embrace kindness and compassion.
  6. I am strong and capable of handling my emotions with grace.
  7. I choose positive words and actions to resolve conflicts peacefully.
  8. I am learning to take deep breaths and count to calm myself down.
  9. I am surrounded by love and support to help me through challenging moments.
  10. I am developing healthy ways to manage anger and find inner peace.

Encourage children to repeat these affirmations daily and discuss their emotions openly, providing guidance and support when needed.

Affirmations Guide

Our mission with is to provide a trusted resource where individuals can find not only a wide array of affirmations for different aspects of life but also insights into the science behind affirmations and practical tips on incorporating them into daily routines. Whether you're seeking to boost confidence, manifest success, or improve relationships, I'm here to guide you on your journey toward positive transformation.

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